Monday, February 17, 2020

Review of a Research Document about Physical Education Literature

Of a Research Document about Physical Education - Literature review Example Review of a Research Document about Physical Education In this regard, a database search was carried out using the keywords / phrase, â€Å"assessment† â€Å"motivation† and â€Å"physical education† using the Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC), where a direct link was provided. The link, however, contained only an abstract similar with the one provided at ERIC and not a full-text paper. Another search was conducted with Google Scholar using the same keywords / phrase. The second phase of the search yielded the full-text article by Standage, Duda and Ntoumanis (2006) in portable document format (PDF). 2. Description of paper Standage, et al (2006) ventured to evaluate the association between the motivational processes among secondary school students of physical education (PE) and their teachers’ ratings of their effort and persistence. Some 394 British students of a secondary school and nine PE teachers voluntarily participated in the study. The study addressed the following research problems: 1. In vestigation of a model of motivational processes predicated on the self determination theory; 2. Verification of the adequacy of confirmatory factor analysis of the measurement model; and 3. Performance of structural equation modelling on the following hypotheses: (a) perceptions of an autonomy supportive environment would positively predict autonomy, competence and relatedness; (b) autonomy, competence and relatedness would positively predict self-determined motivation; and (c) self determined motivation would positively predict positive teacher ratings of student effort and persistence.... theory (SDT) of human motivation in the individual – level, which asserts that â€Å"humans are innately oriented toward growth and health† (Deci and Ryan, as cited in Fortier, Williams, Sweet, and Patrick, 2009, p.156; Deci and Ryan, 2007). SDT impinges on the assumption that the social context influences individual outcomes, including motivation (Weiss and Amorose, 2008; Standage, et al., 2006). In this regard, the social environment can either nurture or hinder an individual’s active, integrating nature as a human being. One such component of the social environment in this study is the PE teacher. Data was gathered from two different state schools in southeast England after ethical requirements have been complied with, based on the standards set by the British Psychological Society. This includes the use of students (i.e., human subjects) in the study, and consent from the high school principals in their capacity as in loco parentis, among others. A multi-sect ion inventory was administered to the student-participants after the researcher has discussed, among others that: responses in the inventory are neither correct nor wrong; the PE teacher will not be able to view their responses to the inventory; and the respondents’ anonymity and the confidentiality of their responses will be safeguarded. Teachers provided their ratings for each student’s motivated behaviour in the PE class in terms of effort and persistence. Self-reported responses were compared with the teacher ratings through a coding system devised by the researchers. The multi-section inventory measured the following variables: autonomy support, autonomy, competence, relatedness, motivational regulations (i.e., intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, external regulation,

Monday, February 3, 2020

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sociology - Essay Example American Dream This ethos that nationally binds the United States was drafted from the United States declaration of Independence. It is rooted in creating freedom in the society. The American dream is aimed at creating freedom that achieves success and prosperity in the national endeavors. The America dream is focused on creating a full, better and richer life for all the people. This statement refers to equity in opportunity to people regardless of social divisions in the society. Given the opportunity, everyone is believed to be able to achieve, no matter their circumstances or social stratifications. The dream from the United States declaration of Independence emphasizes on equity among men and women, based on inalienable rights. Therefore, all people have equal rights to liberty, life and pursuit of happiness. This brings about equity in the society, as highlighted in the texts. Social Inequality in America American has a social inequity stratification system ranging from class, gender and politics. These factors are determined by power, which is the authority vested upon a person to make the other carry out duties, according to the rules and legislation. This power is also known as the authority that it is willingly dissipated or legitimate. At the same time, coercion or illegitimate power is the taken under force. Property is another factor of inequality that is based on one’s possession. It is generally the measure of social class. Finally, prestige marks another factor of inequality where one’s position in the society is determined (Domhoff 3). In American today, prestige is tied to the occupation one is undertaking, that is the lawyers, doctors and teacher. Normally, prestige is tied to the social class. Despite her move towards the dream, America has not yet achieved her equity in most of these areas. Up to date, America still suffers gender inequality in some areas that are characterized in the early work of Loe. Women are still treated as sex objects in some working places to date, especially in bars and restaurants (Williams 74). Despite the changes in time, the conception of a woman has not much changed, according to Loe in these places the women are â€Å"‘objectified victims’ of sexualized workplaces, but are also architects of gender, power and sexuality in such setting† (Williams 73). The general achievement of equity of women in these workplaces has never been a success. The structure of these places still treat the employed bar waitress as ‘cheerleaders’ since their work is to entertain men (Williams 75). Some employment companies still go for recruitment based on the ideology of â€Å"women jobs† (Williams 73). This job matches them due to their sex segregation. This is typically a social inequality that has rooted in many job posts in America. In addition, the dressing style expected among the women is a pattern that reveals their sex nature that Loe referred to i n the Bazoom uniform, just to make a woman sexy before men (Williams 81). Gender inequality in jobs takes some wide variations, where in some instances women are still not accepted in some jobs due to their gender. For instance, jobs like the clerical work today is majorly associated with women just like the waitress and bar attendants in the Bazoom since they need individual who â€Å"act like a woman† (Williams 82). Inequity still prevails in most places in America. The segregation in language, race and