Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Legislative Branch Is The Part Of The Government

The Legislative Branch is the part of the government that writes and votes on laws, but can also be referred to as legislation. It has other powers such as declaring war, confirming Presidential appointments, and checking for power. The government has three branches: legislative, executive and judicial branch. Each branch has its own powers and responsibilities, which are working with the other branches. They are allowed to check to make sure that one another does not have too much power, this is referred to as Checks and Balances.â€Å"All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.†(Source 1). The House of Representatives consist of 435 members, which are divided with the 50 states by their total population. The presiding officer of the is the Speaker of the House who is also elected by the House of Representatives. This speaker is third as to becoming successful in becom ing president. Those who want to join the House of Representatives are elected every two years. The Legislative branch is made up of the House and Senate, or it is also known as the Congress. The legislative branch has various organizations such as: Architect of the Capitol ,Center for Legislative Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, and Congressional Budget Office. To qualify you also must be 25 years old and a United States citizen. The House of Representatives has severalShow MoreRelatedWho Really Has All the Power: The Executive, Legislative, or Judicial Branch of Government?926 Words   |  4 Pages our founding fathers objectives were to establish a federal government, and to outline an equal distribution of powers within our government.(Michelsen, 2010). It was implemented by creating three branches that had to coincide with each other to function. 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